Aid Through Trade
Amy Karr Amy Karr

Aid Through Trade

If it is possible to own and wear high quality goods that are made by hand in a safe way by artisans who are paid fairly for their work, why wouldn’t you do so? Today, we want to introduce you to Aid Through Trade, a Nepal-based brand that has created the original Roll-On fair trade glass bead bracelets.

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Check out our fresh fall collection!
Amy Karr Amy Karr

Check out our fresh fall collection!

Love fall as much as we do? Check out our freshly curated collection of handmade, fair trade goods from around the world that are sure to ease you into the new season with a lot of joy!

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What is Fair Trade?
Amy Karr Amy Karr

What is Fair Trade?

If you’ve heard the term “fair trade” but you aren’t quite sure what it means, keep reading! and we will give you a quick breakdown of all things fair!

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Micro-Loan Update
Amy Karr Amy Karr

Micro-Loan Update

The first Ethos Kolekto Book Club chat revolved largely around the ways that micro-finance can support artisans in the developing world to rise above life in poverty. After this chat, we made our first micro-loans to 2 women entrepreneurs in Kenya and now we have an important update!

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Why is education so important?
Amy Karr Amy Karr

Why is education so important?

It’s likely that if you’ve made your way to this page, education is something that you care about. Especially if we are talking about education in developing nations (which we are). But if you just so happened to stumble onto this blog post by some sort of internet magic, we thought we’d share a few stats and facts about why education is integral in moving the world forward in a positive way.

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Meet the Makers : Dreamer & Co.
Amy Karr Amy Karr

Meet the Makers : Dreamer & Co.

Meet our artisan partners from Dreamer & Co. in the Horn of Africa and check out the paper bead and up-cycled fabric jewelry that they craft!

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Meet the Makers : Mata Traders
Amy Karr Amy Karr

Meet the Makers : Mata Traders

Get to know our artisan partners in India and Nepal from Mata Traders. They work to eliminate child labor, the artisans are paid fairly, and they craft finished jewelry and accessories using traditional techniques.

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